Emergency phone numbers at the Co-Principality of Andorra

The most important emergency numbers you could need during your stay in Andorra:

  • Police: 110
  • Firemen: 118
  • Medical Urgency: 116
  • SOS and mountain rescue: 112

Other phone numbers of interest:

  • National information service: 111
  • International information service: 119

International and national calls

How to call an andorran number?

Press 00376 adding the local phone number. Example: 00376 838515 to call our office.

How to call an international number from Andorra?

Press 00, then the international prefix plus the local phone number
  • 0034 (Spain)
  • 00351 (Portugal)
  • 0049 (Germany)
  • 0044 (UK)
  • 0032 (Belgium)
  • 0031 (Netherlands)
  • 0033 (France)
  • 0039 (Italy)
  • 00420 (Czech Republic)
  • 0048 (Poland)
  • 001 (USA & Canada)
  • 0055 (Brasil)

Embassies and Consulates

Embassies: www.embassypages.com

  • Spain: 00376 800030
  • France: 00376 736730


  • Germany: 00376 874900
  • Portugal: 00376 805305
  • Belgium: 00376 386598
  • Italy: 00376 825542
  • Brasil: 00376 800270
  • Czech Republic: 00376 862800
  • Poland: 00376 885288

Embassies/Consulates outside of Andorra:

  • USA: 0034 915872200 (Embassy Madrid ES)
  • Canada: 0034 913828400 (Embassy Madrid ES)
  • UK: 0034 917146300 (Embassy Madrid ES)
  • Netherlands: 0033 468352353 (Consulate Perpignan FR)